The Key Reasons To Install And Use A Residential Air Ionization Unit

Posted on: 11 November 2020

When you move into a new home, you expect the air inside of it to be safe and clean to breathe. However, you can never be sure of what kinds of agents float through the air. You might breathe in invisible toxins and contaminants that can make you sick.

Rather than risk your health on potentially polluted air, you can use a residential bipolar ionization unit to clean it. These are some reasons to install and use a residential air ionization unit in your new home.

Removing Pet Dander

If you are allergic to pet dander, you know how risky it can be to move into a place that once housed dogs, cats, and other pets. You may quickly succumb to the worst symptoms of your pet allergies. You may suffer from uncontrolled wheezing, coughing, and sneezing.

Rather than live with these symptoms, you can install a residential bipolar ionization unit in your new home. Residential air ionization units are designed to remove pet allergens from your home's indoor air. Within a matter of hours, the air can be free of dander, hair, and other allergens that pets leave behind. 

Your allergies may quickly calm down, allowing you to breathe easier. Additionally, you can avoid having to take powerful medications or get injections to cope with your allergies because of pet dander in the air.

Removing Bacteria and Viruses

The residential bipolar ionization unit that you install can likewise dispatch negative ions in the air to remove bacteria and viruses. These agents can make you sick by infecting you with the flu, common cold, or other illnesses. You may develop chest and head colds that are difficult to heal from and leave you miserable for days or weeks.

However, residential air ionization units use negative ions to cleanse the air. As such, you can avoid moving into a place that can make you seriously ill and invite symptoms like congestion, coughing, and fevers that rob you of the chance to feel comfortable in and enjoy your new home.

These are some reasons to install and use a residential air ionization unit in your new home. You can remove any pet dander from the pets that used to live there. You also avoid having to suffer from pet allergies that can make you cough, wheeze, and sneeze. The residential bipolar ionization unit also uses negative ions to cleanse the air. Contact a service for more information about residential air ionization units.
