Common Issues With High-Pressure Pumps And Ways To Prevent Them

Posted on: 24 September 2020

High-pressure pumps are used to supply power to a lot of mechanisms. Although they're powerful, they won't always work perfectly. Here are a couple of problems they can experience and ways you can prevent them from affecting your work site.


A common problem for high-pressure pumps -- especially older models -- is leaking. That can cause a huge mess and dramatically impact the pump's operating capabilities. 

You can reduce the occurrence of leaking in an effective manner by going with a seal-less high-pressure pump from the very beginning. Leaking typically occurs around a pump's seals, but if your pump doesn't have any, leaking won't be that big of a concern.

You thus won't have to worry about dealing with expensive repairs and patches to keep water in your pump. It will remain there since there aren't any vulnerable areas that water could get through.


If you're heavily reliant on a high-pressure pump, then it's put through a lot of action. That can leave it susceptible to overheating, which isn't ideal because then the pump may not last that long. The best way to keep a high-pressure pump from overheating is to lubricate it with appropriate oils. 

Then parts won't grind against each other too much. Rather, the pump's mechanisms will work smoothly and they'll continue to do so if you keep up with an appropriate oil changing and filling schedule. Make sure you use the right oil depending on what type of high-pressure pump is on your work site.

Low Pressure

When a high-pressure pump experiences low pressure, then it can't perform adequately. That can impact your operations in a big way so you want to keep this from happening as best you can.

You'll want to regularly inspect the pressure readings on your pump. Once you have a figure, consult with your pump's manufacturer to see if the pressure range is ideal. If the pressure readings are not where they should be, intervene fast by making adjustments. 

Taking care of leaks as soon as they develop can also help you keep a high-pressure pump's pressure at the correct levels.

Many things could go wrong with a high-pressure pump. You won't be thrown into chaos if you take time to understand how this pump works and implement solutions that can keep pump problems from happening on a regular basis. You can then save time and money addressing these complications. 
