Producing The Freshest Cannabis Buds For Consumers And For Your Dispensary

Posted on: 30 October 2019

So, marijuana is now legal in your state? Considering the number of states where it has been legal for quite some time, that is an accomplishment in the eyes of cannabis enthusiasts. If you are definitely going to open a dispensary, you might also want to consider growing marijuana onsite. Doing so produces the freshest products/buds for your consumers and for your dispensary. Here is what you need to know. 

If You Personally Have Never Grown a Marijuana Plant, You Will Need to Hire People with Experience

It may surprise you to learn that there are a lot of dispensary owners who have never grown a marijuana plant before opening a dispensary. If you are one of them, but you really want to grow plants in the back of your dispensary, then you are going to need a lot of experienced helpers. Any regular user of pot that has grown his/her own plants is not what you want (although they might be of some help when you get this project started). Instead, you want professionals; horticulturists of the marijuana kind. 

A Marijuana Directory Is a Very Good Place to Start

A marijuana directory is A) a good place to list your own dispensary, and B) a very good place to find established growers who can sell you plants, seeds, and kits to start growing your own. Dozens of growers and their unique marijuana cultivars are found in this listing. It is entirely online, and they only know that you are there if you allow the site to track your location. Open each company description to see what they have available, and then choose what sounds best to you, and what your helpers think will be some good choices. 

Get Fast-Growing and Slow-Growing Plants

Until your plants begin budding and flowering, you may need to buy your product to stock dispensary shelves. Some marijuana strains develop and grow much faster than others. Try to purchase and grow plants from both the slow-growing and fast-growing plants. Then you can harvest and sell product in the fresh section of your shop when the fast-growing plants are ready. The slow-growing ones will produce product shortly after that, and by then the fast-growing plants should be close to harvest again. Keep a constant cycle of product from plants going, and set seeds to grow in the grow house at different cycles to constantly get new and fresh product for your dispensary and your customers. 

For more information, reach out to a company like Cannawayz.
