Chronic Pain and Fatigue? Kratom Capsules May Be Just What You Need

Posted on: 24 October 2018

There is an opioid epidemic raging across America, a trending topic that the president will be addressing soon with new legislation. As such, physicians are becoming more and more reluctant to prescribe narcotic painkillers, and many people who suffer from chronic pain are turning to natural supplements as a result. One of the best of those natural supplements is kratom. Here is what you should know about this potential lifesaver for those who are suffering.

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is the lay name for the plant Mitragyna speciose. This plant is native to Asia and is common in areas such as Thailand and Papua New Guinea. The leaves of this evergreen tree, which is in the same family as coffee trees, have long been used medicinally by the indigenous people in this region.

What Is Kratom Used For?

Like many medicinal plants, kratom has several uses. Dealing with both chronic and acute pain is one of kratom's distinct advantages. Kratom also does a good job of boosting energy. In lower doses, kratom has an energizing, stimulating effect. It can also have an antidepressant effect, with users becoming more sociable and capable of accomplishing things they may otherwise normally feel too depressed to tackle. In higher doses, kratom has a relaxing, sedative effect with analgesic, or pain-relieving, qualities. It can induce a state of euphoria in users, a welcome relief from dealing with their chronic pain and resulting depression.

How Is Kratom Used?

Aboriginal people simply chew on the fresh leaves as needed. Of course, that isn't possible for everyone. Thankfully, kratom farmers work with importers to provide raw product in the form of leaves that have been stripped of their center vein and stem and then dried. The importers then either sell the product as is, or they use it to create products, such as convenient bottles of 60 kratom caps that contain dried pulverized leaves and are ready to use.

Some importers also produce other products such as teas, extracts, tinctures, resins, and salves for topical usage. Topical application can be extra beneficial for those with arthritis or other painful ailments.

How Long Does It Take Kratom To Begin Working?

After taking a dose of kratom, it will take about 30 minutes to begin providing relief. Most people can expect this relief to last approximately six hours.

Does Kratom Have Any Side Effects?

Like any medicinal drug, whether it is natural or synthesized, there is always the potential for adverse side effects, but with natural substances, severe side effects are usually only a problem when the substance isn't taken according to directions. For example, as with prescription pain pills, kratom can briefly cause nausea shortly after it is taken, but this nausea should pass quickly and can be avoided if taken on a full stomach.

Contact Kratom providers like Klifekratom for more information.
